Arrays 2-d
In the previous story we have seen single dimensional array. Now let’s move to the multidimensional arrays .
Multidimensional array is defined as array of arrays. Here we will see 2-dimensional array which is also called as Matrix.
The keywords used in 2-d arrays are
row: The horizontal reference of a matrix.
column: The vertical reference of a matrix.
item : The value stored at r’th row and c’th column in a matrix.
Just like 1-d array ,here also row’s and column’s index starts from 0 and ends with r-1,c-1 where r is number of rows and c is number of columns.
- Traversal is applicable on a matrix.
- Addition and subtraction are performed on 2 matrices only when number of rows and columns are same in 2 matrices.
- Multiplication is also done only when the number of columns of first matrix is equal to number of rows in second matrix.
- Division of matrices are not possible .
The following are the programs on 2-d arrays
This is all about 2-d arrays. In the same way we can have more multidimensional arrays.
My next story is regarding Linked list and its types.
Thank you.